Feeling a bit congested in the nose? Or can’t breathe at all? The reason may be an inflammation of or infection in your sinuses, causing a condition called sinusitis. Other symptoms include coughing, sneezing, feelings of tiredness, aches, and constant low fever.
Because the signs are so much the same as a cold, people with sinusitis often mistake their condition for colds. But later, when the medicines they’ve been taking for treating the symptoms of colds don’t seem to work, they go to the doctor who then examines them and tells them that they have sinusitis.
How does Sinusitis work?
To answer that question, we must first look into what the sinuses are. They are actually hollow cavities within the skull, surrounding the nose. Each of us has four sinuses: the frontal sinuses over the eyes in the brow area, maxillary sinuses inside each cheekbone, ethmoid sinuses just behind the bridge of the nose and between the eyes, and sphenoid sinuses behind the ethmoids in the upper region of the nose and behind the eyes.
These sinuses have a mucus lining that continue on to the nasal passages. The mucus helps keep the air that passes from the nose to the nasal passages clean and clear and dehumidified. When you have a cold, the cause of that is a viral infection in the nasal passages. As a result, more mucus is secreted by the mucus lining as more white blood cells are sent to fight the viruses in the infected area. This leads to swelling of the mucus lining, causing inflammation which then becomes the precursor of sinusitis.
Full-blown sinusitis causes blockage of the nasal passages, obstructing drainage and causing post nasal drips. Because of the blockage, the excess mucus produced is trapped inside the nasal passages where they accumulate and turn foul, leading to bad breath side effect. In addition, the trapped mucus due to sinusitis can become breeding grounds for bacteria that cause bad breath side effect.
The worst thing about this bad breath side effect is that you don’t usually notice it since the infection has caused your sense of smell to become off. This bad breath side effect of sinusitis could very well be an embarrassing situation waiting to happen. Why allow it to happen?
How to treat Sinusitis?
The good news is that bad breath side effect of sinusitis may be treated by simply treating the sinusitis itself. And there are dozens of different over the counter nasal decongestants and antihistamines that will more than do their job of stopping sinusitis. These drugs act by relieving congestion and drying up excess mucus. However, in doing this, some of these drugs may also inadvertently cause bad breath side effect since dryness in the mouth is one of the most frequent causes of bad breath.
Drugs like Flonase are different, however. Flonase, generic name flonase floticasone, is a steroid based prescription nasal spray that treats sinusitis but does not have a bad breath side effect. Flonase has been used by many patients with sinusitis with good results. Using Flonase on a regular basis produces best results since it may take several weeks for the medication to give maximum effect.
You can buy Flonase here
feel ill.
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"they did not try to kill us."
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